Thursday, April 7, 2016

Sea Dog Sunfish

This beer like the Monkshine has a very surprising flavor. Sea Dog Sunfish is a fruity beer that has a very strong citrus peachy taste. This is very surprising if you are not used to drinking these seasonal beers. But over all the beer had a really good taste and flavor. I would enjoy this beer after a long day on a lake or at the pool. This beer is very mild in the alcohol content range as well only sitting at 4.6%. If I were to rate this beer i would give it a 2/5, the reason for this rating is I don't care for the fruity beers. If you are just getting into beer though this is a good stepping stone. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Uinta Monkshine

This beer has a very interesting taste taste to it it has the taste of beer but almost has a coffee after taste.  The name of this beer is Uinta Monkshine and is a Belgian blonde ale. The taste is very sweet at first but gives you a very nice coffee after taste it is refreshing because it is a different tasting beer from any of the other beers I have tried on this blog. The flavor is what really sticks out to me with this beer the alcohol content on this beer is good sitting at 6.8% makes it a fairly strong beer for the taste. The ranking that I would give this beer is a 3/5, the reason for this is the flavor can turn you away from wanting to drink a beer. If you are expecting the coffee after taste then this is a good beer but if you want a normal beer don't go with the Monkshine.

Ballast Point

This beer is a very good beer the picture on the bottle is very inviting. This beer is an Indian Pale ale and has a very good taste for a IPA. This beer is mild when you consider how hoppy in flavor that most IPA's are, if you are starting off as this beer being your first IPA then this will be a good choice. This beer is what I would consider as a BBQ beer where you can drink it at any gathering and get a good flavor. The alcohol content on this beer is 7.0% which is pretty good for a beer. If I had to give this beer a rating it would be a 3/5, the flavor is good but the lasting flavor is a little much and a little bitter the longer you keep it in your mouth.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Beer types

Here are a couple of info graphics that will help explain types of beers and what glasses to use and food pairings.
 If the photos are hard to read here is a link to my Pinterest to see some of the other info graphics

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Squatters Hop Rising

Sorry for the late post again but here it is is for the Squatters Hop Rising IPA Ale. Many of you might be wondering what IPA stands for but it is a simple concept it deals with beer that is super hoppy and bitter in taste and generally has a really high alcohol content. In my next post I will be tackling how most of the beers became a part of the beer community. So that will be tomorrows post. Anyways this beer is not for the faint of heart as you can see from the picture this beer is huge compared to  a normal bottle of beer. With that size it has a very high alcohol content sitting at 9% this beer will give you a very nice buzz. The flavor of this beer is a acquired taste most people will tell you that this beer is very bitter in and taste and I don't know how i'll ever be able to finish this with the taste. Well if you are a fan of IPA's then you'll love this beer it almost is so hoppy and bitter that it creates an almost sweet taste, when ever I see this beer as an option to get I will generally get this one because of the flavor that comes with. I really like drinking this beer when I am sitting down to a meal and want a good tasting beer. The rating that i would give this IPA is a 5/5, this is a one time try for those brave enough but is you really
enjoy IPA's then this is a must buy item.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Floridian Hefeweizen - Funky Buddha Brewery

 Sorry it has been so long since I last posted but this post will be a review of the beer i tried on my trip to Florida. This beer is one I tried while visiting Florida this last week for spring break, the name of this beer is Floridian Hefeweizen. This beer was classified as a wheat ale and had a very interesting taste it was kind of a weird mixture of sweet and kind of a bitter. The mixture did not do the beer justice it kind of tasted funny in a whole. This beer was a 5.6%  was very strong but would be considered a good dinner beer. All in all though I would give this beer a 2/5 because of the taste alone didn't have the taste I was hoping for probably would never buy this beer again.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Lagunitas IPA

Sorry for the delay on the blog post this week. The beer that is being sampled this week is Lagunitas Indian Pale Ale(IPA), generally IPA's are very hoppy and bitter in flavor this generally defers people from wanting to try these IPA's. This Lagunitas is a different story the normal taste that is accompanied by IPA's was not present in this beer. The stinging bitter taste that is supposed to be there through the whole sip or drink is canceled out by a very nice and refreshing sweet taste. This beer for an IPA is also a very weak 6.2%  on the alcohol by volume scale making this a very suitable dinner beer. Overall I would rank Lagunitas IPA as a 5/5 definitely will be a beer to buy in the future.